
8 thoughts on “Think about it

  1. Maxine

    Woodland, 50's architecture, a bearded man in really cute clothes. It's too beautiful. I hope he doesn't get his snazzy shoes muddy.

  2. Matthew Lyons Post author

    Thanks Tim. I often use film stills as reference to help with the compositions and angles.
    Surf the tidal waves of sites with neverending related images. Mix and match two or three of my favourite images together as reference.
    Sometimes more than two or three people are downstairs and I want to make a cup of tea, but if I create one I’ll have to offer everyone a cup or I seem selfish. When there are too many people I don’t make a cup of tea for myself, but when there is too much inspiration I can pick and choose who I use. I like being alone in my room.

    1. Nettie

      O_o He was playing during my lesson in the next room and since the acoustics really suck, we could hear him — this is before his first class, remember — and he sounded EXTREMELY PRSAOSEIONFL.

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      276Wes,Nope, I’m not suggesting at all that relevant and useful business did not take place in Springfield. What I am suggesting, however, is already proven when you visit Baptist Press: that the leading story on this meeting is not all the things you mention, and for which I am thankful, but rather, the Wade story.Again I contend, bad, bad decision.Of course, none of this would have happened in the first place if trustees hadn’t decided to restrict private prayer lives and re-define Baptism, but that’s another conversation for another post.l

  3. Pingback: Artist Research: Matt Lyons | communicationsaturation

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