Author Archives: Matthew Lyons

I didn’t see you

Hey you know when you don’t say hello to someone and just do a small nod. You can make the nod really really small it’s really cool. When I nod I try and move the head as little as I possibly can in a split second and people still see it. I think thats what the guy behind the window is trying to learn.

Making new friends is hard

Times move on. This new model robot is born in a different era and could have had the same spikes stegasauraus have on their backs. I wonder if those spikes were sharp or just flappy bits of skin. Shoulder blades are probably sharper. I hope shoulder blades are actually cool and sharp unlike fake crappy blades of grass. It’s hard to make friends when you have a completely different background, the whole way of communication is different. At least in this world we can talk about big things like space. Has this robot not got small_talkv1.1 beta installed?


smeeeh robots wonder if they can speak and hear. Can they talk each other and spread things through word of mouth and make things popular. They are a marketing tool using the word of mouth strategy for advertising a big business like minute maid.

Bungalow in wales

I found this bungalow in Wales. I enjoy things that are long and kept down height wise. But I don’t like it when you put your arm straight and grab the skin under your elbow and pull it out, it’s all saggy and when you release it slowly moulds back to its original shape.

Heres a picture of the bunglow: